• 姓名: 喻祖国
  • 职称: 教授
  • 学位:
  • 湘潭大学
  • 数学与计算科学学院

喻祖国, 男, 汉族, 中共党员,1970年9月29日出生, 籍贯为湖南省株洲县。 二级教授、博士生导师,湖南省“芙蓉学者计划”特聘教授、国务院和湖南省***专家、教育部新世纪人才计划人选、湖南省“121”人才、教育部创新团队和湖南省高校科技创新团队负责人。目前担任湘潭大学副校长及“智能计算与信息处理”教育部重点实验室副主任。




[1] 喻祖国,以审判为中心的诉讼制度和多元化纠纷解决机制改革成效评估与优化技术研究, 国家重点研究计划项目“智慧司法科学理论与司法改革科技支撑技术研究”(项目编号:2020YFC0832400)之 课题五(项目编号:2020YFC0832405), 2021.1-2023.12主持人.( 直接费用:306万元)

[2] 喻祖国,分形时间序列和复杂网络的重分形分析及其在几个生物信息问题中的应用研究, 中国国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号:11871061), 2019.1-2022.12,主持人.(53万元)

[3] 由Sierpinski垫片得到的局部自相似网络上的随机游走及谱分析, 国家自然科学基金天元项目(项目编号:12026213), 2021.1-2021.12 ,主持人.(直接费用:20万元)

[4] 喻祖国,疾病基因下一代测序原始读长数据的纠错及压缩算法研究, 中国国家自然科学基金海外及港澳学者合作研究基金项目(编号:61828203), 2019.1-2020.12,与悉尼科技大学李金艳教授联合,中方唯一负责人。(18万元).

[5] 喻祖国,多重分形分析与统计方法在宏细观磁弹耦合网络与粘弹网络分析中的应用研究, 湖南省教育厅高校创新平台开放基金项目(编号:17K090), 2017.9-2019.12,主持人 ( 6 万元)

[6] 喻祖国,分形及相关方法在分子进化与蛋白质研究中的应用, 中国国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号:11371016), 2014.1-2017.12,主持人.(62万元)

[7] 喻祖国,微分方程数值方法与生物计算,教育部“***和创新团队发展计划”创新团队(编号:  IRT1179), 2012.1-2014.12 主持人.(300万元)

[8] 喻祖国, 分形与分数微分方程在生物信息处理中的应用,湖南省教育厅重点项目(编号:11A122) , 2012-2014,主持人

[9] 喻祖国,分形及相关方法在时间序列分析与复杂网络研究中的应用,中国国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号: 11071282) 2011.1-2013.12 主持人.(30万元)

[10] 喻祖国,微分方程数值方法与信息处理, 湖南省“高校科技创新团队”项目,2011.1-2013.12 主持人.(50万元)

[11] 喻祖国,微分方程数值方法及应用, 湖南省自然科学基金创新群体 (编号:10JJ7001), 2011.1-2013.12 (骨干成员,主持人:黄云清)

[12] 喻祖国,并行高效自适应算法研究及在蛋白质折叠问题中的应用, 湖南省科技厅重点项目 (编号: 2011FJ2011), 2011.1-2013.12(骨干成员,主持人:舒适)

[13] 喻祖国, Spatial and Temporal Analysis of the Spread of Avian Influenza, 香港政府研究基金(RGC Earmarked Research Grant), 2010.1-2011.12 , 与香港中文大学梁怡教授、朱家豪教授联合,(排名第三)(68.32万港元)

[14] 喻祖国, 分形与小波方法在蛋白质问题研究中的应用,霍英东青年教师基金(编号 101004),2006.3-2009.3, 主持人. (1.7万美元)

[15] 喻祖国, 分形与小波方法研究蛋白质折叠与结构预测问题, 中国国家自然科学基金面上项目( 编号:  30570426), 2006-2008,主持人. (28万元)

[16] 喻祖国, 分形与统计方法在蛋白质问题研究中的应用,湖南省教育厅青年基金项目(编号:05B007),2006-2008,主持人.

[17] 喻祖国,Stochastic modeling of spatiotemporal nonlinear diffusion processes with multifractal characteristics. 澳大利亚国家科学研究基金项目 (ARC) ,2005-2009,No. DP0559807, 主要研究人员 (35.3万澳元)

[18] 喻祖国, 铀矿冶地域地下水中核素迁移不确定性理论与方法, 中国国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号: 10475038), 2005-2007,参与.

[19] 喻祖国, 非线性科学方法生命序列与金融序列分析中的应用,中国国家自然科学基金(青年基金)项目 (编号 10101022), 2002-2004, 主持人. (7万元)

[20] 喻祖国,Multifractal and its application, 澳大利亚昆士兰理工大学博士后研究基金,2000- 2002,主持人 (1.5万澳元)

[21] 喻祖国, 非线性标度理论在DNA系列分析中的应用,中国博士后基金项目(编号98B632),1998-1999,主持人

[22] 喻祖国,Diffusion and transport of saltwater in coastal aquifers, 澳大利亚国家科学研究基金项目 (ARC) ,2003-2006,No. LP0348653, 主要研究人员

[23] 喻祖国,Stochastic analysis of long-range dependent multifractals, 澳大利亚国家科学研究基金项目 (ARC) ,2000-2002,No. A10024117, 主要研究人员.


  获 湖南省教学成果一等奖 2 (2019年,1项排名第一、1项排名第5),获得中国高校科学技术二等奖(2001年)、 湖南省自然科学二等奖 2 (2009年、2017年,均排名第1)和 湖南青年科技创新奖杰出奖(2009年,单独)、湘潭市青年科技奖等科研奖励。多年来在 Mol. Biol. Evol.)、 Bioinformatics (2016年影响因子:  7.307) Mol. Ecol. Res.(最新影响因子:  7.049)、 Environ. Modell. Softw. (最新影响因子: 4.552)、 Mol. Phylogenet. Evol . (2016年影响因子: 4.419)、 Scientific ReportsInt. J. Climatol. BMC Evol. Biol.BMC System. Biol.BMC Bioinformatics Fuzzy Sets and Systems J. Chem. Phys.Phys. Rev. E J. Stat. Mech. Chaos J. Geophys. Res. J. Theor. Biol.等发表论文148篇(其中SCI收录102篇;SSCI收录2篇,EI收录58篇, 有40篇发表在JCR一区期刊上),所发表论文被SCI论文引用1573次(SCI他引964次)。在世界著名Springer、IGI-Global、Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press出版社出版三本书的各一章。

所发表的部分期刊论文 ( * 号表示本人为通讯作者 )

[1]. Shan Jiang, Bao-Gen Li, Zu-Guo Yu*, Fang Wang, Vo V. Anh, Yu Zhou, (2020) Multifractal Temporally Weighted Detrended Cross-correlation Analysis of Multivariate Time Series, Chaos 30(2):  023134, doi: 10.1063/1.5129574 ( SCI) (影响因子: 2.643 for 2018) JCR 一区期刊, 中科院二区期刊

[2]. Hongping Guo, Jiyuan An, Zuguo Yu*, (2020) Identifying shared risk genes for asthma, hay fever, and eczema by multi-trait and multiomic association analyses, Frontiers in Genetics, 11:270. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2020.00270 ( SCI) (影响因子: 3.517 for 2018) JCR 二区期刊、中科院生物大类二区期刊

[3].Yuanlin Ma, Zuguo Yu*, Runbin Tang, Xianhua Xie, Guosheng Han and Vo V. Anh,(2020) Phylogenetic analysis of HIV-1 genomes based on the position-weighted K-mers method, Entropy, 22(2): 255. doi: 10.3390/e22020255  ( SCI) (影响因子: 2.419 for 2018) JCR 二区期刊

[4]. Hong-Ping Guo, Zu-Guo Yu*, Ji-Yuan An, Guo-Sheng Han, Yuan-Lin Ma, and Run-Bin Tang, (2020) A two-stage mutual information based expectation-maximization Bayesian Lasso algorithm for genome-wide association studies. Entropy. 22(3): 329; doi:10.3390/e22030329 ( SCI) (影响因子: 2.419 for 2018) JCR 二区期刊

[5]. Yuansheng Liu,  Zuguo Yu, Marcel Dinger and Jinyan Li, (2019) Index suffix-prefix overlaps by (w, k)-minimizer to generate long contigs for reads compression,  Bioinformatics, 35(12): 2066–2074. (SCI)  (影响因子: 4.531 for 2018, 7.307 for 2016)  中科院、JCR一区期刊,生物类TOP期刊

[6]. Dong-Ling Yu, Yuan-Lin Ma (joint first authors) and  Zu-Guo Yu*, (2019) Inferring microRNA-disease association by hybrid recommendation algorithm and unbalanced bi-random walk on heterogeneous network,  Scientific Reports, 9:2474 (影响因子: 5.578 for 2014, 4.011 for 2018) JCR 一区期刊

[7]. Jin-Long Liu,  Zu-Guo Yu* and Vo Anh, (2019) Multifractal analysis for core-periphery structure of complex networks,  J. Stat. Mech.: Theor. Exp., 2019: 073405. (SCI) (影响因子: 2.371 for 2018)  JCR 一区期刊

[8]. Yuanlin Ma,  Zuguo Yu*, Guosheng Han, Jinyan Li and Vo Anh, (2018) Identification of pre-microRNAs by characterizing their sequence order evolution information and secondary structure graphs,  BMC Bioinformatics , 19(Suppl 19):521. (SCI)(影响因子: 4.958 for 2005, 2.511 for 2018) JCR 一区期刊

[9]. Hai-Long Zou,  Zu-Guo Yu*, Vo Anh, and Yuan-Lin Ma, (2018), From standard α-stable Levy motions to horizontal visibility networks: Dependence of multifractal and Laplacian spectrum,  J. Stat. Mech.: Theor. Exp., 2018: 053403 (SCI) (影响因子: 2.371 for 2018)  JCR 一区期刊

[10]. Yun-Lan Wei,  Zu-Guo Yu*, Hai-Long Zou and Vo Anh, (2017) Multifractal temporally weighted detrended cross-correlation analysis to quantify power-law cross-correlation and its application to stock markets,  Chaos 27: 063111 (SCI)  (影响因子: 2.643 for 2018)  JCR 一区期刊

[11]. Qi Wu,  Zu-Guo Yu* and Jianyi Yang*, (2017) DLTree: efficient and accurate phylogeny reconstruction using the dynamical language method, Bioinformatics, 33(14): 2214–2215 (SCI) (影响因子:  4.531 for 2018,  7.307 for 2016中科院、JCR一区期刊,生物类TOP期刊

[12]. Changhe Fu*, Su Deng, Guangxu Jin, Xinxin Wang and  Zu-Guo Yu*, (2017) Bayesian network model for identification of pathways by integrating protein interaction with genetic interaction data,  BMC Systems Biology, 11(Suppl 4): 81. (SCI) (影响因子: 2.048 for 2018)  中科院、JCR 二区期刊

[13]. Jin-Long Liu, Jian Wang,  Zu-Guo Yu* and Xian-Hua Xie,(2017) Fractal and multifractal analyses of bipartite networks,  Scientific Reports 7:45588 (SCI) (影响因子: 5.578 for 2014, 4.011 for 2018)  JCR 一区期刊 

[14]. Da-Wen Huang and  Zu-Guo Yu*, (2017) Dynamic-Sensitive centrality of nodes in temporal networks,  Scientific Reports  7: 41454. ( SCI) (影响因子: 5.578 for 2014, 4.011 for 2018)  JCR 一区期刊 

[15].  Zu-Guo Yu*, Huan Zhang, Da-Wen Huang, Yong Lin and Vo Anh, (2016) , Multifractality and Laplace spectrum of horizontal visibility graphs constructed from fractional Brownian motions,  J. Stat. Mech.: Theor. Exp., 2016: 033206, (SCI) (影响因子: 2.371)  JCR 一区期刊

[16]. Wei-Feng Yang,  Zu-Guo Yu*,  Vo Anh, (2016), Whole proteome based phylogeny reconstruction for prokaryotes using higher order Markov model and chaos game representation,  Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 96: 102-111,  (SCI)  (影响因子: 4.412 for 2017, 3.992 for 2018)  中科院、JCR一区期刊, 生物学类TOP期刊

[17]. Yu-Qin Song, Jin-Long Liu (Joint first author),  Zu-Guo Yu*, and Bao-Gen Li, (2015), Multifractal analysis of weighted networks by a modified sandbox algorithm,  Scientific Reports 5:17628 (SCI)(影响因子: 5.578 for 2014, 4.011 for 2018) JCR 一区期刊

[18]. Jin-Long Liu,  Zu-Guo Yu*, and Vo Anh,(2015). Determination of multifractal dimensions of complex networks by means of the sandbox algorithm.  Chaos 25(2): 023103, (SCI) (影响因子: 2.643 for 2018)  JCR 一区期刊

[19]. Xian-Hua Xie, Zu-Guo Yu*,  Guo-Sheng Han, Wei-Feng Yang, Vo Anh, (2015), Whole-proteome based phylogenetic tree construction with inter-amino-acid distances and the conditional geometric distribution profiles,  Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 89: 37-45. (SCI) (影响因子: 4.412 for 2017, 3.992 for 2018)  中科院、JCR一区期刊, 生物学类TOP期刊

[20].  Zu-Guo Yu*, Vo Anh and Richard Eastes, (2014), Underlying scaling relationships between solar activity and geomagnetic activity revealed by multifractal analyses,  J. Geophys. Res.:Space Physics, 119: 7577-7586,  (SCI) (影响因子: 3.318for 2015 2.821 for 2018) 2009 年地学类 TOP20 之第 15. 中科院、JCR二区期刊,地球科学类TOP期刊

[21]. Long Fan, Jerome H.L. Hui,  Zu Guo Yu, Ka Hou Chu, (2014), VIP Barcoding: composition vector-based software for rapid species identification based on DNA barcoding,  Mol. Ecol. Res., 14(4):871-881. (SCI) (影响因子: 7.049 for 2018)  中科院、JCR一区期刊,生物大类TOP期刊

[22]. Jin-Long Liu,  Zu-Guo Yu* and Vo Anh, (2014) Topological properties and multifractal analysis of recurrence network constructed from fractional Brownian motions.  Phys. Rev. E, 89: 032814. (SCI,EI) (影响因子: 2.353 for 2018)   JCR 一区期刊

[23]. Guo-Sheng Han,  Zu-Guo Yu* and Vo Anh, (2014) A two-stage SVM method to predict membrane protein types by incorporating amino acid classifications and physicochemical properties into a general form of Chou's PseAAC,  J. Theor. Biol. 344:31-39.  (SCI) (影响因子: 1.875 for 2018)

[24]. Bao-Gen Li,  Zu-Guo Yu*  and Yu Zhou, (2014), Fractal and multifractal properties of a family of fractal networks,  J. Stat. Mech.: Theor. Exp., 2014: P02020. (SCI)(影响因子: 2.371 for 2018)   JCR 一区期刊

[25]. Long Shi,  Zu-Guo Yu*, Hai-lan Huang, Zhi Mao and Ai-guo Xiao, (2014), The subordinated processes controlled by a family of subordinators and corresponding Fokker-Planck type equations,  J. Stat. Mech.: Theor. Exp., 2014: P12002. (SCI) (影响因子: 2.371 for 2018)  JCR 一区期刊

[26]. Guo-Sheng Han,  Zu-Guo Yu*, Vo Anh, Anaththa P.D. Krishnajith and Yu-Chu Tian, (2013) An ensemble method for predicting subnuclear localizations from primary protein sequences based on amino acid classifications and physicochemical properties, PLoS One, 8(2):e57225. (SCI) (影响因子: 4.411 for 2010, 2.776 for 2018).  JCR 一区期刊

[27]. ChiPang Li;  ZuGuo Yu (joint first author); GuoSheng Han; KaHou Chu, (2012) Analyzing Multi-locus Plant Barcoding Datasets with a Composition Vector Method based on Adjustable Weighted Distance,  PLoS One ,7(7): e42154. (SCI) (影响因子: 4.411 for 2010, 2.776 for 2018).  JCR 一区期刊

[28]. Erjia Ge, Robert Haining, Chi Pang Li,  Zuguo Yu, Miu Yee Waye, Ka Hou Chu, Yee Leung, (2012) Using Knowledge Fusion to Analyze Avian Influenza H5N1 in East and Southeast Asia.  PLoS One 7(5):e29617. (SCI) (影响因子: 4.411 for 2010, 2.776 for 2018).  JCR 一区期刊

[29]. Y. Leung, E.J. Ge,  Z.G. Yu, (2011) Temporal Scaling Behavior of Avian Influenza A (H5N1) -- The Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis,  Ann. Assoc. Am. Geogr. 101(6),1221-1240. ( SSCI) (影响因子: 3.037 for 2018) JCR 一区期刊

[30].  Zu-Guo Yu, Ka Hou Chu, Chi Pang Li, Vo Anh, Li-Qian Zhou and R.W. Wang, (2010), Whole-proteome phylogeny of large dsDNA viruses and parvoviruses through a composition vector method related to dynamical language model,  BMC Evol. Biol., 10:192 (SCI) (影响因子: 4.447 for 2005, 3.045 for 2018)    JCR 二区期刊

[31].  Zu-Guo Yu, Vo Anh, Yang Wang, Dong Mao and James Wanliss, (2010), Modeling and simulation of the horizontal component of the geomagnetic field by fractional stochastic differential equations in conjunction with empirical mode decomposition,  J. Geophys. Res. 115: A10219, (SCI) (影响因子: 3.318for 2015 2.821 for 2018) 2009 年地学类 TOP20 之第 15. 中科院、JCR二区期刊,地球科学类TOP期刊

[32].  Zu-Guo Yu*, Xiao-Wen Zhan, Guo-Shen Han, Roger W. Wang, Vo Anh and Ka Hou Chu, (2010) Proper distance metrices for phylogenetic analysis using complete genomes without sequence alignment,  Int. J. Mol. Sci. 11:1141-1154 (SCI) (影响因子: 4.183 for 2018)

[33]. Qiang Zhang,  Zu-guo Yu, Chong-yu Xu, Vo Anh, Yee Leung, Yongqin Chen, (2010), Multifractal analysis of measure representation of flood/drought grade series in the Yangtze Delta, China, during the past millennium and their fractal model simulation,  Int. J. Climatol., 30(3):450-457 (SCI, EI)  (影响因子: 3.601 for 2018)  JCR 一区期刊

[34].  Zu-Guo Yu*, Vo Anh and Richard Eastes, (2009), Multifractal analysis of geomagnetic storm and solar flare indices and their class dependence,  J. Geophys. Res. 114:A05214, (SCI) (影响因子: 3.318for 2015 2.821 for 2018) 2009 年地学类 TOP20 之第 15. 中科院、JCR二区期刊,地球科学类TOP期刊

[35]. Jian-Yi Yang, Zhen-Ling Peng,  Zu-Guo Yu, Rui-Jie Zhang, Vo Anh and Desheng Wang, (2009) Prediction of protein structural classes by recurrence quantification analysis based on chaos game representation,  J. Theor. Biol. 257:618-626. (SCI) (影响因子: 1.875 for 2018).

[36]. Jian-Yi Yang, Yu Zhou,  Zu-Guo Yu*,Vo Anh and Li-Qian Zhou, (2008), Human Pol II promoter recognition based on primary sequences and free energy of dinucleotides,  BMC Bioinformatics, 9(1):113. (SCI)(影响因子: 4.958 for 2005, 2.213 for 2017) JCR 一区期刊.

[37]. V.V. Anh, J.M. Yong and  Z.G. Yu, (2008), Stochastic modeling of the auroral  electrojet index,  J. Geophys. Res. 113, A10215,  (SCI) (影响因子: 3.318for 2015 2.821 for 2018) 2009 年地学类 TOP20 之第 15. 中科院、JCR二区期刊,地球科学类TOP期刊

[38]. Jian-Yi Yang,  Zu-Guo Yu* and Vo Anh (2007), Correlations between designability and various structural characteristics of protein lattice models,  J. Chem. Phys. 126(19): 195101. (SCI, EI) (影响因子: 2.997 for 2018)  2009 年物理类 TOP19 之第 18 JCR 一区期刊

[39].  Z.G. Yu*, V.V. Anh, K.S. Lau and L.Q. Zhou (2006), Clustering of protein structures using hydrophobic free energy and solvent accessibility of proteins,  Phys. Rev. E. 73: 031920. (SCI, EI) (影响因子: 2.353 for 2018)   JCR 一区期刊

[40].  Z.G. Yu*, L.Q. Zhou, V. V. Anh, K.H. Chu, S.C. Long and J.Q. Deng (2005),  Phylogeny of prokaryotes and chloroplasts revealed by a simple  composition approach on all protein sequences from whole genome without sequence alignment,  J. Mol. Evol. 60: 538-545. (SCI)(影响因子: 3.234 for 2007, 1.782 for 2018)

[41]. Li-Qian Zhou,  Zu-Guo Yu*, Ji-Qing Deng, Vo Anh and Shun-Chao Long (2005), A fractal method to distinguish coding and noncoding sequences in a complete genome based on a number sequence representation,  J. Theor. Biol. 232: 559-567.(SCI)  (影响因子: 1.875 for 2018).

[42].  Zu-Guo Yu*, Vo Anh and Ka-Sing Lau (2004), Chaos game representation of protein sequences based on the detailed HP model and their multifractal and correlation analyses,  J. Theor. Biol. 226(3): 341-348. (SCI) (影响因子: 1.875 for 2018).

[43].  Zu-Guo Yu* (2004), Fourier transform and Mean quadratic variation of Bernoulli convolution on homogeneous Cantor set,  Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 21: 151-157.  (SCI, EI) (影响因子: 3.315 for 2009, 3.064 for 2018)   JCR 一区期刊

[44]. Ninghu Su,  Zu-Guo Yu, Vo Anh and Kiran Bajracharya (2004), Fractal tidal  waves induced anthropogenically in coastal aquifers,Queensland, Australia,  Environ. Modell. Softw. 19: 1125-1130. (SCI, EI) (影响因子: 4.552 for 2018)  JCR 一区期刊 , 中科院计算机跨学科应用类一区期刊

[45]. Ka Hou Chu, Ji Qi,  Zu-Guo Yu and Vo Anh (2004), Origin and phylogeny of  chloroplasts: A simple correlation analysis of complete genomes.  Mol. Biol. Evol. 21(1): 200-206. (SCI) (影响因子: 14.797 for 2018) 中科院、JCR 一区期刊 ,TOP期刊

[46].  Zu-Guo Yu*, Vo Anh and Ka-Sing Lau (2003), Multifractal and correlation  analysis of protein sequences from complete genome,  Phys. Rev. E. 68: 021913. (SCI, EI) (影响因子: 2.353 for 2018)   JCR 一区期刊

[47]. V.V. Anh, K.S. Lau and  Z.G. Yu* (2002), Recognition of an organism from fragments of its complete genome,  Phys. Rev. E 66: 031910. (SCI, EI) (影响因子: 2.353 for 2018) JCR 一区期刊

[48].  Zu-Guo Yu*, Vo Anh and Ka-Sing Lau (2001), Measure representation and multifractal analysis of complete genome,  Phys. Rev. E  64: 031903. (SCI, EI)(影响因子: 2.353 for 2018)   JCR 一区期刊

[49].  Zu-Guo Yu*, Vo Anh and Bin Wang (2001), Correlation property of length sequences based on global structure of complete genome,  Phys. Rev. E 63: 011903 (SCI, EI) (影响因子: 2.353 for 2018)   JCR 一区期刊

[50].  Zu-guo Yu* (2001),  Fuzzy L languages,  Fuzzy sets and Systems 117(2): 159-163. (SCI, EI) (影响因子: 2.907 for 2018)  中科院 、JCR 一区期刊 ,TOP期刊

[51]. Bin Wang and  Zu-Guo Yu (2000), One way to characterize the compact structures of lattice protein model,  J. Chem. Phys. 112(13): 6084-6088. (SCI, EI) (影响因子: 2.997 for 2018)  为2009年物理类TOP19之第18  JCR一区期刊

